Our story began in 1997


The Village Preservation Society of East Hampton conducted a quality of life survey

In 1997, there was only one medical office building in East Hampton which was destined to become a funeral home. The survey identified the lack of available, quality medical care as one of the most serious issues facing the community.

This prompted Jerome J. DeCosse, Jr., MD, PhD, and John R. (Jack) Kennedy to take action.

Co-Founder Jerome J. DeCosse, MD, PhD, 1928-2001

Co-Founder John R Kennedy, 1930-2010

Along with other Village Preservation Society members, Larry Munson, Robert Loughead, Henry L. Murray, and Andrew Goldstein, they formed a group to study the issue and termed the project the “East Hampton Healthcare Initiative.”


Dr. Jerome J. DeCosse was truly the visionary in this project.
— Henry L. Murray, Chairman, Board of Directors, 1998-2020

Our timeline




The group was incorporated as

East Hampton Healthcare Foundation (EHHF)

EHHF recruited trustees, established an organizational structure and conducted a feasibility study



Began fundraising, purchased land at 200 Pantigo Place, and hired architect Frank Hollenbeck


EHHF Medical Committee established goals and standards



Secured East Hampton building permits

Peter Jay Sharp Foundation made a $500K challenge grant


East Hampton Healthcare Center

Groundbreaking Ceremony held


The Groundbreaking Ceremony for the East Hampton Healthcare Center


Victor Canseco of Sandpebble Builders began construction



2 days of Symposiums:

18 speakers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health covered a broad range of medical topics including

Public Health in the Rural Community

Recruited physicians and completed the challenge grant

Construction on the Healthcare Center continued





EHHF opened the

East Hampton Healthcare Center

Within 6 months, it was 95% leased


Dedication Ceremony


EHHF Chairman, Henry L. Murray at the Dedication Ceremony of the East Hampton Healthcare Center, June 2002


Opened the Pharmacy, Lab + Radiology departments

Launched a benefits counseling program



Launched inclusive care for the uninsured, preventive healthcare programs and free Health Fairs


Recruited additional physicians and expanded the volunteer group



Hundreds of residents visited the Center for healthcare services


Preventive Healthcare: A Community Collaboration


From left, EHHF Trustee Thomas J. Fahey, Jr., MD; Mary O’Sullivan, MD, and William M. Manger, MD



EHHF funded a new

Bonac on Board to Wellness program

for East Hampton Middle School


East Hampton Middle School 5K Walk/Run



Child and Adolescent Mental Health



Installed digital mammography, x-ray and bone density equipment linked to Southampton Hospital


Left, Karen Rodriguez, Southampton Hospital Mammography Technician at East Hampton Healthcare Center


Completed health needs assessment survey


Cardiovascular Prevention, Diagnosis and Disease Management




East Hampton Healthcare Center Health Fair attendees


All children entitled to access the Center’s Pediatric Primary Care program


Town-wide free defibrillator program



East Hampton Urgent Care opening ceremony

Local Urgent Care built to be a daytime alternative to Southampton Hospital Emergency Room


Left to right: Dr. Darin Wiggins; EHHF Trustee William Pickens, Chief Administrative Officer of SBSH Robert Chaloner; EHHF Chairman Henry Murray; NYS Assemblyman Fred Thiele; EHHF President Dr. Gerard Turino; EH Village Mayor Paul Rickenbach; NYS Senator Kenneth LaValle; EHHF Trustee John R. Kennedy; EHHF Trustee Bruce Collins; EH Town Supv. William McGintee; EHHF Trustees Stanley Friedman, Barbara Borsack and Sheila F. Decosse



Global recession and economic downturn

creates financial stress for many residents of the Town

EHHF met the need for support for medical services and emergency prescriptions




The Curse of the Aching Heart: A Cardiac Case Study in Three Scenes


Left to right: EHHF Trustee Michael J. Wolk, MD; EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray and SBSH Medical Director Frederic Weinbaum, MD


George Dempsey, MD, AAFP, began managing operations of East Hampton Urgent Care




Tick Talk (Tick-Borne Illness)


George Dempsey, MD, AAFP, Family Medicine, and specialist in tick-borne illnesses


Reviewed and updated Town-wide Defibrillator (AED) Program



Initiated a new program is to enhance access to mental health services for children and adolescents

EHHF Healthcare Creativity GRANT INITIATIVE

was launched

East Hampton Healthcare Center TEN year anniversary celebration

at East Hampton Point


Assemblyman Fred Thiele with Special Honoree, EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray

From left to right, Robert Chaloner, President of Southampton Hospital; EHHF President Dr. Gerard M. Turino; EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray and EHHF Trustee Dr. David Paton



Provided Town residents with free benefits counseling and enrollment in Affordable Care Act insurance

EHHF collaborated with the Town Emergency Preparedness Task Force and underwrote a brochure for Town-wide distribution


Rethink Aging


At the Symposium held at EH Village Emergency Services Building, left to right: EHHF Executive Director Sheila Rogers; licensed massage therapist and yoga instructor, Patia Cunningham; Erik Peterson, Peterson Physical Therapy; Registered Dietician Ann Silver and EHHF Trustee Linda B. James



Meeting House Lane Medical Practice, under Southampton Hospital, assumed operation of East Hampton Urgent Care


Advances in Cardiology

AED program expanded

AED Awareness Month proclamation in East Hampton Town Hall (below)


Left to right: EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray; donor Joe Kazickas; EH Town Supervisor Larry Cantwell; EHHF Executive Director Sheila Rogers; East Hampton Village Ambulance Association Asst. Chief Ann Grabowski; EMT Paul Mangano and Harbormaster Ed Michels




EHHF helped fund a pilot program developed by Gail Schonfeld, MD, providing access to on-going mental health treatment for youngsters and families



EHHF fundraising support is initiated for Southampton Hospital Foundation’s planned construction of the

Stony Brook Medicine east hampton off-campus Emergency Department



The Revolution in Cancer Treatment



EHHF Board of Trustees announces its support of Southampton Hospital Foundation in its plan to build the Stony Brook Medicine East Hampton Off-Campus Emergency Department on property adjacent to East Hampton Healthcare Center



EHHF TWENTY year anniversary!


The Lab + Radiology Department was renovated by SBSH and EHHF


the Future of Healthcare



Plans finalized by Southampton Hospital Foundation to build the new Stony Brook Medicine East Hampton Off-Campus Emergency Department

EHHF and East End Pediatrics present

Partnership in Parenting series

at Eleanor Whitmore Early Childhood Center



Covid-19 pandemic

EHHF worked to keep Healthcare Center patients and staff safe

EHHF partnered with Town and Hudson River Healthcare to offer Covid testing services and vaccination programs and provided funding for uninsured residents


Chairman Henry L. Murray and President Gerard Turino, MD, stepped down to Emeritus positions

Effective January 1, 2022, Gerald H. Cromack, II, named Chairman Elect and Peter Odell, MD, named President Elect



Stony Brook Medicine East Hampton Off-Campus Emergency Department

Plans included installing solar panels on the roof

Groundbreaking Ceremony and Donor Appreciation Event held (below)


Spring 2022: A ceremonial groundbreaking and donor appreciation event for the Stony Brook Medicine Satellite Emergency Department was hosted by the Southampton Hospital Association, Southampton Hospital Foundation, and East Hampton Healthcare Foundation


Special Event

to honor the outgoing EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray and President Gerard M. Turino, MD


Outgoing EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray (left) and President Gerard M. Turino, MD

Outgoing EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray speaking at the Special Event, with Chairman Elect Gerald H. Cromack, II

Outgoing EHHF Chairman Henry L. Murray at the Special Event with his well-deserved Superman cape, one of his gifts of appreciation


Recruited 6 new Board Trustees



1st High School Healthcare Education Scholarship

awarded to Gabby Miller


Gabby Miller receiving her award


EHHF co-sponsored Express Newsgroup Healthcare Series

George Dempsey, MD, AAFP, named “Healthcare Innovator” for his contributions to improving healthcare in the community

Recruited 3 new Board Trustees and a bilingual Administrative Assistant



Free community Health Fairs held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, East Hampton

Ophthalmology Symposium

is scheduled for November 2, 2024

A bilingual insurance enroller from Healthfirst added to current roster