Stay healthy
Community Health Fairs offer free screenings and healthy advice
In 2003, a crucial part of our mission was to make health education and disease prevention more accessible to all Town residents, so we partnered with Stony Brook Southampton Hospital and started hosting free Health Fairs in the off-season.
Attendees participate in free flu shots, cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, enrollment for free mammography, pap smears and prostate screenings, and nutrition counseling. They can also meet with health insurance and other assistance program representatives.
Health Fairs are held on the first Friday of January, February, March, October, November and December at Hoie Hall at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in East Hampton.
Over the years, our screenings, flu shots and health education have had a positive impact on the health of thousands of people in the Town, all completely free of charge. Yet another example of our innovative mission in action.